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Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Centre for Earth Observation Science
attribute NC_GLOBAL Data_collection_start_date String 2016-01-27
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Author String Peck, Chris
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Author_Affiliation String Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Author_Email String peckc at
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Contributor String Kuzyk, Zou Zou
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Contributor_Afiliation String Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Contributor_Email String zouzou.kuzyk at
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Contributor_Role String Supervisor
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Maintenance_&_Update_Frequency String Not planned
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Status String Complete
attribute NC_GLOBAL Dataset_Version long 1
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -79.06
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 54.79
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 53.82
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -79.06
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -79.72
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 20.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Centre for Earth Observation Science
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String Coastal dynamics, eelgrass, Rivers, Salinity, Temperature
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String Polar Data Catalogue
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 54.79
attribute NC_GLOBAL Project_Data_Curator String Peck, Chris
attribute NC_GLOBAL Project_Data_Curator_Afiliation String Centre for Earth Observation Science - University of Manitoba
attribute NC_GLOBAL Project_Data_Curator_Email String peckc at
attribute NC_GLOBAL Research_Area String Chisasibi
attribute NC_GLOBAL Sample_collection_instrument_name String Hobo CT Logger,Hobo Water Level logger,Seametrics CT2X,RBR PAR,Alec CT,Castaway by Sontek
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 53.82
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v55
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String station, longitude, latitude, depth, sw_sal_result_value_qualifier, sea_water_temperature_result_value_qualifier, sea_water_pressure, sea_water_pressure_result_value_qualifier, KD_PAR, KD_PAR_result_value_qualifier
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String This data set contains salinity, temperature and in some cases Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) and pressure at a number of depths around La Grande River from 2016-2017. Sensors collected data over the spring melt season, summer seasons and year-long to monitor the extent of the fresh water plume about La Grande River in both ice free and ice present conditions. Data was collected continuously for 4-month and year long periods at 10 or 15 minute intervals at discrete locations and multiple depths.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2017-04-25T18:40:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2016-01-26T20:50:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String NE James Bay Moorings
attribute NC_GLOBAL Type String Dataset
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -79.72
variable station String
attribute station ioos_category String Identifier
attribute station long_name String Station
variable time double
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.4538414E9, 1.4931456E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Date Time
attribute time source_name String date_time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time time_precision String 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable longitude double
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range double -79.72, -79.06
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude source_name String longitude_east
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable latitude double
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range double 53.82, 54.79
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude source_name String latitude_north
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable depth byte
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth actual_range byte 1, 20
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth colorBarMaximum double 8000.0
attribute depth colorBarMinimum double -8000.0
attribute depth colorBarPalette String TopographyDepth
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String Depth
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
variable sw_sal float
attribute sw_sal actual_range float 0.01, 27.32
attribute sw_sal ioos_category String Unknown
attribute sw_sal long_name String Sw Sal
variable sw_sal_result_value_qualifier String
attribute sw_sal_result_value_qualifier ioos_category String Unknown
attribute sw_sal_result_value_qualifier long_name String Sw Sal Result Value Qualifier
variable sea_water_temperature float
attribute sea_water_temperature actual_range float -7.46, 0.69
attribute sea_water_temperature colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute sea_water_temperature colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute sea_water_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute sea_water_temperature long_name String Sea Water Temperature
attribute sea_water_temperature standard_name String sea_water_temperature
variable sea_water_temperature_result_value_qualifier String
attribute sea_water_temperature_result_value_qualifier ioos_category String Temperature
attribute sea_water_temperature_result_value_qualifier long_name String Sea Water Temperature Result Value Qualifier
variable sea_water_pressure String
attribute sea_water_pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute sea_water_pressure long_name String Sea Water Pressure
attribute sea_water_pressure standard_name String sea_water_pressure
variable sea_water_pressure_result_value_qualifier String
attribute sea_water_pressure_result_value_qualifier ioos_category String Pressure
attribute sea_water_pressure_result_value_qualifier long_name String Sea Water Pressure Result Value Qualifier
variable KD_PAR String
attribute KD_PAR ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute KD_PAR long_name String KD PAR
variable KD_PAR_result_value_qualifier String
attribute KD_PAR_result_value_qualifier ioos_category String Optical Properties
attribute KD_PAR_result_value_qualifier long_name String KD PAR Result Value Qualifier

ERDDAP, Version 2.02
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